
Status: Drafting the fourth book in the PERILOUS series!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Spotlight Friday

I am directly stealing this idea from Sara Eden. She's doing a "Friday Friends" or something like that in an effort to make more friends. So I decided to do the same! She didn't copyright the idea, so I don't feel bad using it. Plus she's so cute. She totally reminds me of my dear friend Abby. (Hello, Abby! No, I haven't forgotten you, I just never ever call or email. I still love you!)

Sometimes I'll spotlight authors, famous celebrities, and millionaires looking for a tax break. Other times they'll just be people like you. In fact, it might even be you!

Today I'm having some serious doubts about my sequel. I'm afraid it won't be as good as the first. The first one went through so many drafts. I just don't have the time or manpower to take that long with this one! What if I finish it and my editor laughs? Scoffs? Doesn't want it?

Silly thoughts. I have to get the first draft done. I'm sure most authors feel jittery, nervous, even uncertain. I do need to make things realistic. Did you know the FBI actually has a page on their website for artists? IE, authors and filmmakers. They have an 'info request' hotline just for us! Isn't that awesome??? It's so nice when people cooperate with you.

On another note, I think I'm being too easy with myself. I set my goal to 1,000 words a day but consistently hit at least 2,000. Sometimes, though, I start playing online because I think, "I already hit my goal for the day." So I'm bumping my goal up. 2,000 words a day. Hold me accountable, people! I'm pumped. At that rate, first draft might be done by the second week of October.

Sequel Stats:
today's goal: 18,683
actual: 19,354 (+1,671)
tomorrow's goal: 21,354

1 comment:

Tana said...

Sounds wonderful that you're able to hit 2K! I think a word count goal is great and when I exceed it I'm pretty thrilled =)

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