Perilous is a YA thriller, a high-stakes novel. It's got everything you want from a novel: adventure, drama, suspense, emotion, even romance!
So far we're still on schedule for the release day!
What do you think? Tell me your honest opinions! I want to know!
I like it...it looks very gritty and dramatic...a sign of the book inside, perhaps? Congrats!
That is such a cool cover! Very edgy and I love the black and white. ;]
Congrats on the cover! It looks like something I'd pick up to read the back of. I like the sort of distortion of the photograph, and it catches my eye. Good luck as your book comes out!
Cool Tamara! This makes it real doesn't it? I like this cover a lot. I would pick it up and want to read it even if I didn't know you. It appeals to me, unlike most YA covers that imho tend to be lame and cheesy. This one looks like a more serious work. Thumbs up! Are you having cover anxiety LOL? I always get it really bad about my books. I"m not the kind of writer that gets all giddy over my covers. More than likely I'll have sleepless nights thinking it was a huge mistake.
Very nice!!! So far it meets the book perfectly, not done yet but I think you have a great cover to work with!!! Congratulations!!!
Very cool cover! It makes you wonder about many things and makes you want to read the book. How exciting!!
I like it. It looks very thriller-ish.
total cover-anxiety, Karen! How did you know?
I'm so glad everyone likes it and wants to read it! (Everyone does like it right? Or are the dissenters simply keeping quiet?)
Tamara, LOL I know because we are a lot alike! Remember your comments when you read Uncut Diamonds? You totally identified with Marcie, and that was me 25 years ago. Believe me, it's an awesome cover, and it reflects the story very well. But it doesn't match your blog which is all flowery and smiley faced.
ha! Yeah, you're right! I don't know how I ended up writing a thriller. I'm all flowery and smiley faced.
But I think you have a dark side, a freak flag that comes out in your writing, which is going to make you a big star. Hopefully we can still be friends when you're on Oprah and I'm not.
you've got me pegged, Karen. definitely a dark, sadistic side to me. :)
AWESOME!!! I am so excited!
Jannie! you're alive! hwo are you girl??? Miss you!
So, I guess I'm having trouble reading it. Does it say, "The only ride home takes them on a terrifying cross-country journey"? Because that sounds kind of awkward to me.
yep, that's what it says!
I like it very much! Really - not just saying that. It looks gritty and realistic. It's scary and mature looking. In other words, it looks like you wrote a serious book not some chick-lit fluff thing (that seems to be so popular in YA...) You're a real author now. It's super! Congratulations! :-D
I agree with some of the other descriptions...gritty....edgy...realistic. The cover combined with the title would entice me to pick it up and read the back cover. Very nice!!
I think it looks exciting!
Congratulations! It does indeed look "edgy," as several have said. I'm excited for you.
I honestly think the darkness of the cover will make it appeal to more adults, and not just young adults. Can't wait to read it!
Congratulations :) Glad I could stop by your blog!
That's what we're going for, Kasey!
Thanks for stopping by, Las Vegas Writer!
I'm coming over after visiting Karen's blog today. Best wishes for your success. Your book sounds thrilling, eerie, a bit creepy, with twists and turns that will sideswipe the reader.
Stephen Tremp
The book cover creates a mood of tension and mysticism. Having read your book, I'm trying to see how it would fit the plot as well as the characters... I think it's great for the genre! I like it. <3
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