
Status: Drafting the fourth book in the PERILOUS series!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blogger Accountability

Okay, part of getting out of that funk is getting into a routine. Think of the things you want to accomplish. Now think of the time you have available to do it. Prioritize. Itemize. Detail each hour with what you want to do.

That's great and all, but who's going to make you stick to your routine? Well, no one, really, but it might help with the whole pride/shame psyche if you make your plans public. Then you won't want to admit failure to everyone. Right?

Great theory. Let's test it.

I'm going to take a two-hour block every day, from 2:30-4:30pm. This is the time I'm devoting to my writing/computer.

In these two hours, I want to:
1) marketing for Perilous
2) finish writing Inevitable
3) start editing Altercation
4) write a blog
5) read other blogs
6) read/respond to emails
7) make updates on Twitter

Things that I must do every day:
1) Read/respond to emails
2) marketing for Perilous
Really? That's it?

Time I need for each item per day:
1) emails: 15 min
2) marketing: 30 min
3) Inevitable: 30 min
4) Altercation: 30 min
5) blog: 30 min
6) read other blogs: 30 min
7) Twitter: 15 min

My schedule:
every day: emails and marketing and Twitter (1 hour)
Monday: blog (30 min) and Inevitable (30 min)
Tuesday: other blogs (30 min) and Inevitable (30 min)
Wednesday: blog (30 min) and Altercation (30 min)
Thursday: other blogs (30 min) and Altercation (30 min)
Friday: blog (30 min) and Inevitable (30 min)

As you can see from my schedule, my goal is to write 3 blog posts a week. Of course, things may not go as smoothly as I wish, but I'm going to give this a try. I think I will actually TURN OFF my internet when it comes to the 30 min. of writing time. Otherwise, I will keep on checking my email and twittering and all that stuff.

And of course there is no guaranteeing that my three little ones will stay sleeping when they should. Adjustments can always be made.

This schedule starts NOW! I'll report back (that's the accountability part). And you? Are you where you want to be?


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I'm never where I want to be. Haha.

But kudos for creating a to-do list! I wish you the best of luck in sticking with it.

I think it's a good idea to turn off the internet, too. I can't get any work done when I see the five available bars in the corner of my screen.

Amanda said...

This post is a reminder to me to get up and do something. I think I've rested long enough today. No, maybe not, a nap sounds good. =)

Good luck with your plans and your book. Getting closer still.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

ha ha! yeah, or the new emails that keep popping into my inbox!

Don said...

I can do pretty good about setting aside a block of time for writing things. The hard part is carving it up, because EVERYTHING takes so much longer than I expect. It's nuts!

Melissa Cunningham said...

Good luck with that! I'll tell you. Only have one child home has helped immensely. I also don't devote a certain amount of time to reading blogs. If I need a break, or I have a minute, that's when I read other blogs. Keep your writing and promoting your priority. It's okay to cut back on other stuff that isn't as important at the moment.

Also, I give myself a certain number or words to write rather than a time period, because sometimes, I can be on a roll and don't want to stop after 30 min. I try to do 2000 words a day. Many days I only get 1000, but the goal is there.

It's so hard doing it on your own. That's why I say to cut out what isn't vital. Keep on keeping on, girl!

Ann Best said...

Hi. After a 9 day vacation with Jen and my sister in law, like you I've been thinking about setting up blocks of time and sticking to them. For one thing, I need to write on a different computer (upstairs) so I'm not tempted to go in and out of the Internet and blogs!! I need to set aside a time, that can be somewhat flexible, for blogging.

After reading KarenG's latest post, I'm thinking about trying Twitter again.

I've also got a lot of reading to do (including scriptures; I've fallen down on this).

Take care. You have A LOT to do with three little children to take care of. Remembering that time in my own life, I was mostly a mess.

I just noticed Melissa's comment above. I think I'd do better too to set a word-goal rather than a time frame. If you're on a roll, I think it's good to keep going if you can.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

You guys make great points. I set aside a block of time to write, which was GREAT b/c I havent' written in weeks.the end result? I got on a roll and ended up going over my time limit.

Before the little baby went ballistic and demanded I get her up!

DL Hammons said...

Good for you! I'm terrible working on a schedule like yours. I'm pretty disciplined about getting done what I need to get done and whenever I try to work under a schedule I get frustrated when it falls apart. Keep at it!

Kate said...

Good luck with that!

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

DL--I've never broken down my writing time like this before. But something has to change b/c I am so not getting anything done.

Thanks Kate!! when is baby here? or is baby already here??

Anonymous said...

Schedules are good! I have a group of women that are my accountability partners. I'm careful what I SAY I'm going to do around them, because if I don't follow through I'm in deep dung. I highly recommend the support, though.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

That's what I'm talking about. People to be on my tail!

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