
Status: Drafting the fourth book in the PERILOUS series!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Mailing in the contract

My contract arrived yesterday. It's very simple, to the point, and definitely not scary. So why am I so nervous??? My book is going to be published. Set for a release in the fall of 2010. That gives me more than a year to get publicity going. I guess that's what's making me nervous. This book has got to do well. Otherwise, why will they want to publish the sequel?

So I'm off to the post office. I also get to pick up a letter from Mark...imagine my disappointment yesterday when I checked the mail and there's a yellow slip of paper saying I need to pay $0.17 to pick up his letter!

Wish me luck! Time to tell everyone I know that I'm getting published.


Karen Gowen said...

I know what you mean, Tamara, you are about to embark on a journey of anxiety! Someone told me that (Twilight author) had such bad anxiety on a tour that she was vomiting all the time in her hotel room. My response, Ok, I want that anxiety, where people are lined up by the thousands for my signings! Anyway, congratulations on your success! This is the kind of anxiety you want, right?!

Mary Gray said...

Congrats, Tamara!! I'm excited to read your book!!

Charity Brown said...

Very awesome!!!

Vicky B said...

Yay! You have no idea how excited I am for you!!! And don't worry, all your friends will be giving you publicity :) We will tell EVERYONE to go out and buy it! Yay!

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

yes, it's the good kind of anxiety! Ahh!!!

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