
Status: Drafting the fourth book in the PERILOUS series!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Journey to Publication: 15 months and counting

Well, as my book is estimated to come out in the "Fall of 2010", I'm guessing that would put us in October/November. That's about 15 months away. More or less.

In honor of that number, I'm going to blog a chronology of the steps it's taken (and will take) to get this book from idea to shelf. Trying to keep it in 15 steps.

The steps are as planned:

15) Bored in study hall/first draft
14) first & second submissions/rejection
13) Finding treasure/Christmas
12) reading and rewriting
11) writer's forum/WDC
10) third submission/changes/Deseret Book
9) fourth submission/resurrection/Covenant
8) fifth submission/WiDo, Covenant, Cedar Fort, Granite, etc.
7) contract/emails back and forth
6) Assigned an editor
5) Revisions--4 and second editor
4) copy-edits
3) Cover art
2) final proofs
1) release date/calendar of events

Obviously, some of these things haven't happened yet. So I might be off a bit. But I've had a lot of people ask me about the querying process, wait time, etc. I'll be happy to delve into detail on my experience!

Now I think I'll go take a nap.


Charity Brown said...

This is soooooooooo exciting! I can't wait to buy the book! :)

Mary Gray said...

I love your 15 steps. :)

But Tamara!! You got an editor!!!! I'm so excited for you! And I'm so glad it's Allie. From the excerpt you posted from her letter it looks like she really loves your book.

Did they say anything else?? Did they write or call?? I hate living on the east coast! Mail takes forever!!

nephite blood spartan heart said...

Where did you post the letter? How did I miss that?

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

I haven't posted it yet, David! That'll be tomorrow's post! (I told Mary though. She and I go *way* back...all the way to when we met online and discovered we'd submitted to WiDo within a day of each other, I think.)

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

Oh, though looking at Mary's post, she could be talking about when Allie offered me the contract. I did post parts of that email. I believe it's in the post "I'm getting published".

Vicky B said...

Now, when you're a big supterstar, you're not going to forget all about your Novel Group friends, now are you? Lol. And yes, I'm going to buy a copy and then send it to you so that you can sign it :D That way, when I tell people I knew you before your were published, they might actually believe me. I'm so glad I kept all those emails from way back when. I can be like, "Yup. That's an email from Tamara saying she liked my novel. So ha!"

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

oh Vicky! you're such a prodigy girl. it's gonna be me begging for your autograph.

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