This was kind of on my own initiative, because WiDo hadn't asked me for author photos. But I saw lots of other authors posting about their photos, and figured it would be a good thing to do. And then I checked in the back of Ghost Waves when I got it. Whew! There's an author's picture!
Now, it being the first week of March in Arkansas, we can usually expect 60 to 70 degree weather. Not this year. Seems like if we want to take pictures outside, we have to brave the cold, because it always happens to us. In fact, on the day I was getting my pictures taking, it started flurrying. What??? So, each picture where I took my jacket and gloves off and smiled for the camera (and it was windy), you can just tell yourself that I'm a great actress.
Yeah. My smile didn't come off so well in some pictures.
But overall, they turned out great!!! Now, I have my favorite, but I want to hear your opinions. Which one would you choose? Number 1, 2, or 3?



They all look great Tamara but I vote for #1.
I vote for #2. I can feel your sense of adventure and fun there more than the others. I think it's the uplifted toe that says "energy" (and even "sassy," in a good way) to me. And the tilted angle is cool, too.
Ohh, they are all so cute!! You are one beautiful girl! I guess I'd choose #1 or #3 'cause you can see your beautiful face better.
I love them all but I vote for number three!!! Or number one I like the head shots. You are beautiful!!!
They're all good, but #1 is my favorite. You look great! I wouldn't be able to tell you were freezing. lol
I vote #2 or #3. Like Laurel said--it's fun and sassy. #3 is approachable and happy. :)
Haha, you're getting all of them chosen, so you know they're all good. i like #2--I agree with Laurel's reason.
I vote for #2. I think it would appeal to your demographic of YA girls, and goes with that platform of writing the book when you're 13, cuz you don't look much older than that lol!
These are so cute! You're adorable!
I like them all. You're married right? hahaha Just kidding.I guess if I had to pic a fav it would be 2, but it's really close.
Hi Tamara! Wow, you should have been an model, not an author :)
I showed them to Les and Jayde and we had a discussion and we all agree that 2# is the best as you look most natural in that one. So, that's three votes for 2# from us!
Les and Jayde both said you're well pretty :)
Haha, you're getting all of them chosen, so you know they're all good. i like #2--I agree with Laurel's and Karen's reasoning.
Also, for #2--I get 2 votes since I'm the oldest-- you look most like a writer in that one. It says, "I'm more than young and hip. I'm smart, too. And way interesting. So read my book. You won't be disappointed."
I like #3.
wow, I can't believe everyone likes all of them!
I know, isn't funny, Karen, how young I look??? Hee hee. It's fun. People jump to conclusions b/c they think I'm a teenager.
LOL, yes, Richard, I'm married.
Kurt! You're too funny!
I still vote for 1 or 3 because of the size the pic is going to be on the book-accounting for that people want to be able to see you.
If WiDo will have a huge pic of you then Ok go with 2. But based of Prusso's and Mine it won't be bigger than on the blog here.
Hope you're not using a jumbotron monitor cuz then I look like an idiot. Compare to Karen's and Prusso's pic sizes on their books maybe.
Fantastic pics! Love the background of 3, but you'll probably need the vertical layout of 1 (and you take great photos by the way ^_^)
These are great! I don't have a favorite one but it did make me think to get some photos done too. I'll have to see if I can get my friend who's a professional photographer to do them for me!
Pretty lady!
And smart, strategic shots! Nicely done!
not too serious i hope
I tend to agree w/ you, David. I want something a little closer.
Thanks, LMJ and SB!
Icy--they (at WiDo) told me they are fine w/ either layout. Yay!
Harley--it was so fun. And knowing why I was doing it was fun too!
I like 2 and 3. I like how 2 shows personality. I am fun! But I like how 3 is closer.
I love all of them! YOu are so cute! My vote would be for #2 or #3, depending on if you want a close up or not.
They're all awesome photos. You don't look pregnant at all!
I like your smile in #2 the best but I like #3 the best overall. Cute pics!
WOw, Nice pics! You look very beautiful and professional in those pictures. They'd make a great book sleave photo.
I'm voting for #3, then #1, then #2, in that order.
Your smile is most sincere in 3, but 1 is a nice classic shot. Number 2 is adorable, but some cultures don't like looking at the bottom of feet, even with shoes on. Just a thought.
I love your pictures! They all turned out great, but I would have to say number three is my favorite.
I like #3. It doesn't have any distractions around you and it just focuses on your face and who you are. You are so gorgeous! How far along are you now? My goodness...
Good point, Dianna! Although I don't know how many people my book is going to reach, culturally.
Thanks, Amber! I'm seventeen weeks. In the picture too.We're getting somewhere!
They are all good!!!
31 comments? that is NUTS! I think I got 26 when Gwen was born...
2 or 3. same reasons as listed above: spunky and fun. I would say if you go for 2 (which I like the best overall for composition), see if you can get it cropped in a little closer to you, without cutting any body parts out, so that it seems a lil more intimate and less distanced. just a suggestion, as I know the photographer might not go for it. But I love the foot lift... just wish it was closer to you like #3.
Yikes! How do you decide? I think you look great in every one of them, Tamara. Wow! You are stunning!
But as an author pic, I prefer no. 3. It's crisp and clean, nothing around you...just you, and you look fabulous! Your smiling is amazing!
Elisa--but I have quite a few more followers than you do. Technically, I should have 92 comments!
Dawne--I agree with you!
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