Remember those?

When I was a teenager, I was absolutely crazy about Star Trek. Like, obsessively crazy. Every week when the show came on, I set up the VCR to record each episode. I carefully edited out commercials. I recorded these so that during the week I could rewatch the episode as often as I wanted. I could get six episodes on a VHS, if I used the worst-quality recording (which I did. I was buying the videos). By the time I went to college, I had almost a dozen recorded VHS.
If only I could've seen the future.
I no longer have a VCR. I don't own a VHS. I have no idea what happened to those. And you know what? It doesn't really matter. Because now we have things like Netflix, with instant streaming from the internet. Yesterday, I turned on Netflix streaming while I took down Christmas and cleaned the house.
I got through all of season one.
Ah, what fun. And if I'd only known, I could've saved myself a lot of money as a teenager.
I'm frustrated when I want to watch a movie that I haven't for a while (like the Titanic), only to realize I don't own it on DVD. My copy is on VHS.
We don't have Netflix. I'm not even sure how to get it. I'm not a big tv watcher, so it's not something I've paid attention to. :)
Netflix is crack for movie lovers. Woohoo!
I've switched to Blockbuster because Netflix got to be too expensive. I'm never without at least 2-3 movies/TV shows waiting to be watched. :)
Yes, but did you ever put a cassette tape into a stereo-tape player and carefully listen to the radio so you could record your favorite songs when/if they played them? It was the only way to make a "mix" tape. If I had known back then that in the future I could download any song I want and make a gazillion playlists...
About 6 years ago we took all our VHS and players to DI. I'm a huge Netflix addict.
Of course i did, Julie! I had a whole box of them in my car because I had no CD player! yeah those were the days.
I'm a Netflix Junkie too! I now watch more streaming video than DVDs.
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