
Status: Drafting the fourth book in the PERILOUS series!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Popcorning Piggies

We recently acquired two new members to our family. Two new guinea pigs, to be exact.

I feel like I could start a new series of children books based entirely on the adventures we're having with these little guys. But the one that caught me most off guard happened about a week after we added them to the household. I went downstairs in the morning to feed them and found them having little spasms in their cage. They twitched and flipped and bounced all over the place.

I tried to remain calm in the presence of my two-year-old, who simply loves them. I guided her upstairs, all the while feeling my heart in my throat and wondering how I would explain my bad pet-parenting to the friend who gave them to us. What had I done? Was it bad food? Bad water?

Being a master Googler, I got online and started searching for "twitching guinea pigs." Lo and behold, I found an answer. It's called popcorning, and it's reasonably common--when the guinea pigs are happy or excited.

Either my appearance with their daily food excited them or they are just loving our family. Either way, I felt very relieved to discover we weren't doing anything wrong with them!

Maybe some other time I'll tell you about when they escaped their cage and ran rampant downstairs...


katie said...

hahaha! I would love to hear how they escaped. Ours have not done that yet.

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

ha yeah it was pretty wild. It's called children...

Lydia Kang said...

So adorable! We've played with the idea of getting some, but we are lazy parents and know we'd be doing a lot of the work, so...

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

they are work and I struggle to keep them from stinking! but the kids love them!

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