
Status: Drafting the fourth book in the PERILOUS series!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Getting Updates

Did you know I have a newsletter?

The sign up is right there on the right-hand sidebar over there. The reason I mention it is, all the time I get emails from people asking where I'm going to be doing a book signing next, or what I'm working on, or how they can find out when my next book comes out.

There are two ways: Constantly stalk me on Facebook and Blogger, or sign up for my newsletter.

My newsletter goes out about three times a year, whenever something exciting like a book release or book contract happens. I mean, really. How many exciting things do you think I have to talk about?

But here's the thing, folks. If you don't want my newsletter, DON'T SIGN UP FOR IT. Because I can track how many people open that email. I can even track WHO opens (or doesn't open) that email. And it makes me really sad to make this beautiful newsletter with earth-shattering news (to me, anyway), send it out and... only 47% open it.

I just tell myself it's not me, it's everyone's spam box. Right???

In the meantime, my book launch/blog tour continues in full force! Show some love to these blogs to get more chances for prizes: Jennifer Shirk, Marsha Ward, Shannon O'Donnell, Christy Dorrity.

Thanks everyone for your continued support! Keep adding up your sharing points for a chance to win that $50 Amazon gift card!

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