Now that I have a release date for
Perilous, I feel the definite urge to start doing things. It's time to put all my theories and plans into action. But there is a part of me that just kind of freezes and thinks, "Where do I start?"
I have the suspicion this phenomenon might not be uncommon. So I'm going to walk you through what I'm doing, and maybe it will help you.
First, what are my goals? What are things I want to get done before my book comes out on
October 31, 2010?1) Make a book trailer
2) set up a blog tour
3) set up local book signings and book launch party (and everything that goes with that--the bookmarks, posters, etc)
4) sent out press releases
5) Make a vlog of the first chapter to be posted on youtube
6) Create a facebook fan page for
7) Contact authors about blurbs
8) Make a list of people to send postcards to, inviting to book signings, etc. Order postcards.
9) Request reviews from
Publisher's Weekly and
New York TimesNow, to make a plan of action.
When am I going to do these things? Time to get specific. We are three months out right now.
Three months out (August)
--Start making a book trailer (or hire someone to do it for you). This could take awhile and you want it out on the web a month before publication.
--Find the blogs you want to request for your blog tour.
--Contact authors who you would like to blurb your book and request a blurb. Be ready to send an ARC.
Two months out (September)
--Set up blog tours. Line up who will be doing the tour and when. Send out ARCS.
--Request reviews from
Publisher's Weekly and
New York Times (can't hurt to ask, right?)
--Contact local book stores and request signings (don't forget the libraries!). Schedule these for after the book is out (obviously). You will probably need ARCs for the bookstores, too.

--Get your contact list of invites to the book signings. An author recommended to me that I send out 300 postcards. Order postcards.
One month out (October)
--Write and send out press releases. Take advantage of
free wire services.--Order flyers and bookmarks for book signings.
--Place book trailer and vlog on youtube and any other internet video service.
--Create your facebook fan page (and Goodreads, and mySpace, and anywhere else you want).
--Send out postcards inviting to book signings.
Did I mention that somewhere in here you should request your spouse's boss to give your spouse a raise? :)
All right, I've got my plan of action. Looks like the next two weeks of July are my last free days. I better get that other novel written!
What would you do differently? Anything? Everything?