But anytime I put a food item in front of my child, I always make them taste it, even if they know they don't like it. Because you never know when that might change.
Well I have to live what I preach, right? So I've always made myself try any mushroom dish that's put in front of me. I still never liked them.
Until one day I did.
I remember the day. My husband and I were out to lunch for our seventh anniversary. I was 30 years old. I ordered a chef salad and it came with raw mushrooms. I tried one, just like I always do.
And to my surprise, I liked it.
Now I can't get enough of those funny little fungi.
My BFF couldn't stand sushi. But she kept at it. A year later, it's one of her favorite foods too. Yum!

The moral of the story is: just because you didn't like it once doesn't mean you will always dislike it.
Do you have anything you like now that you didn't use to?
I always make my kids try foods too! They can't say they don't like it until they try it. By the way, that's a great picture of you! Is it recent?? Your hair looks super cute!
Green olives and pickles.
When I was little, I liked most vegetables except for busses sprouts and aubergines. I can't really say what made me change my taste, but I started to love both early on in adulthood.
Other things I used to like - or at least did eat, without being really crazy about - and now can't even stand the smell of anymore are liver, kidney and heart. My grandma used to make dishes with all three, and I ate it as a child without difficulty. Now, I won't go near the stuff!
Mmmm, sushi! Now you're making me hungry. My kids didn't like squid, until they ate a LOT of calamari (thinking it was chicken) at a party. You should have seen their reaction when I told them it was squid. :D
I'm loving your bangs.
yeah I miss that hairstyle!
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